Federation of Public Listed Companies Bhd

Y.Bhg ​Dato’ 
Josephine Low (Risk Management and Internal Control) Advisory Board Member

MBA (Hull), a Certified Internal Auditor, Certified Information Systems Auditor, Certified Fraud Examiner and Certification in Risk Management Assessment, IIA Inc.
Previously the Executive Director of Warisan TC Holdings Berhad cum Chief Executive Officer of Mayflower Travel Group, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Warisan TC Holdings. Former Head of Internal Audit of APM Automotive Holdings Berhad from 2000 to 2005 before being transferred to Tan Chong Motor Holdings Berhad as the Head of Internal Audit and later as the Head of Internal Audit of Warisan TC Holdings.
She started her career as an external auditor in Ernst & Young before embarked on internal auditing with more than 24 years of auditing experience.  

Past President of The Institute of Internal Auditors Malaysia (IIAM) and the Chairman of the Research and Technical Advisory Committee of IIA Malaysia for 2010 and 2011.
She was also the Honorary Treasurer of the Asian Confederation of Institutes of Internal Auditors (ACIIA), EXCO and the Co-Chairperson of the Task Force on Revised Guidance on Statement of Internal Controls 2011/2012 for Malaysia PLCs. A member of the Adjudicators Committee of the National Annual Corporate Report Award in 2009 (a co-project of Bursa Malaysia, Malaysian Institute of Accountants and CPA Malaysia).
One of the authors of the first textbook on Internal Auditing published by IIA Malaysia. Former National Honorary Treasurer and Chairman of Finance Committee of Malaysia Association of Tour and Travel Agents (MATTA) for terms 2013 - 2015 and 2015 to 2017.